Has it arrived yet? No. Click refresh. Maybe my emails are being slow to update. Nope. Still nothing. I suppose it hasn’t been quite a week yet. Does he send them weekly or are they sporadic? What would my husband say?
I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve fallen in love – with a tone of voice. A style of writing that differs from all the rest.
Emails have become so yawn. One subject line is the same as the next. What’s the point of opening them to see if perhaps, just this once, the content is actually inspiring for a copywriter to read?
I understand brands have guidelines to follow, but these need to be played with. They need to develop with the times in an over marketed world where you can’t see the wood for the trees.
My new love interest? Spoke – London. The copy is fun. Chatty. Playful. Imaginative. Eye catching. Humorous. Daring. And above all, a copywriter’s dream.
Even if you don’t want new trousers, you’ll want to subscribe to these emails. And maybe a new pair of trousers for my husband, will soften the blow that I’m in love with someone else!